A manual for group facilitators
Brian Auvine, Betsy Densmore, Mary Extrom, Scott Poole, Michel Shanklin The Center for Confict Resolution: 1977 731 State Street, Madison, WI 53703
A Manual on Nonviolence and Children
Stephanie Judson Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends Peace Committee, Philadelphia New Society Publishers: 1977 4722 Baltimore Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19143
Beyond Majority Rule
Michael J. Sheeran Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends: 1983 1515 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102
Building United Judgment A Handbook for Consensus Decision Making Brian Auvine, Michel Avery, Barbara Streibel, Lonnie Weiss The Center for Confict Resolution: 1981 731 State Street, Madison, WI 53703
Civil Disobedience: Theory and Practice Hugo A. Bedau Pegasus: 1969 New York, NY
Clearness: Processes for Supporting Individuals & Groups in Decision-Making Peter Woodrow New Society Publishers: 1977, 1984 4722 Baltimore Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19143
In Place of War American Friends Service Committee Grossman, NY: 1967
Meeting Facilitation: The No Magic Method Berit Lakey New Society Publishers 4722 Baltimore Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19143
More Power Than We Know The People's Movement Toward Democracy Dave Dellinger Anchor Press/Doubleday: 1976 Garden City, NY
No Bosses Here! a manual on working collectively and cooperatively (2nd ed.) Karen Brandow, Jim McDonnell, and Vocations for Social Change Alyson Publications 1981 P.O. Box 2783 Boston, MA 02208 Vocations for Social Change PO Box 211, Essex Station, Boston, MA 02112
Nonviolence In America A Documentary History Staughton Lynd, ed. Bobbs-Merrill, NY: 1966
Nonviolent Direct ActionA. Paul Hare and Herbert H. Blumberg Corpus, Washington: 1968
Nonviolent Resistance Mohandas Ghandi Schocken: 1961 New York, NY
Peace & Power Charlene Eldridge Wheeler, Peggy L. Chinn Buffalo, NY, 1984
People With People A Compendium of Group Process Theories John D. Swanson, ed. Humanitas: 1977 PO Box 196, Jamestown, RI 02835
Resource Manual for a Living Revolution A Handbook of Skills and Tools for Social Change Activists Virginia Coover, Ellen Deacon, Charles Esser, Christopher Moore New Society Publishers: 1985 4722 Baltimore Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19143
The Politics of Nonviolent Action Gene Sharp Porter Sargent: 1973 Boston, MA
War Resisters League Organizer's Manual Edited by Ed Hedemann War Resisters League: 1981 339 Lafayette Street, New York, NY 10012
We Cannot Live Without Our Lives Barbara Deming Grossman: 1974 New York, NY
Food Not Bombs Publishing 7304 Carroll Ave #136 Takoma Park, MD 20912 1-800-569-4054
E-Mail: ctbutler@consensus.net
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